Friday, May 10

Poll exhibits Biden’s standing slipping amongst America’s youth

Do you surprise in regards to the political mindset amongst younger Americans as of late? Harvard University has launched its wide-ranging annual ballot of U.S. adults ages 18-29 years previous and right here is its abstract.

“A national poll released [Monday] by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School indicates that among 18-to-29-year-olds, President Biden’s approval rating stands at 36%, a drop of three percentage points since last fall (39%) and five percentage points since last spring (41%) The poll also finds that nearly half of young Americans (48%) have felt unsafe in the past month, with 40% worried about falling victim to gun violence,” the abstract mentioned.

“Trust in the Supreme Court to ‘do the right thing’ has fallen by ten percentage points over the last decade, while less than half of young Americans feel like their local police department makes them safer. Nearly half (47%) of Americans under the age of 30 report ‘feeling down, depressed, or hopeless,’ and 24% have considered self-harm at least several days in the last two weeks,” the abstract famous.

It’s sophisticated.

“A plurality (44%) of young Americans identify as political moderates (30% identify as liberal, 24% conservative). Among those who grew up in what they consider a moderate household, 70% identify that way today; when it comes to political identification, 31% identify as a Democrat, 16% Republican with the remaining 53% independent or unaffiliated with a party,” famous the evaluation of the very advanced survey — which posed 154 inquiries to respondents.

See the ballot particulars — together with perception about how the younger set feels about politics usually within the Poll du Jour at column’s finish.


Well, there you go. President Biden made it official that he’s working for reelection in 2024, regardless of wobbling opinion polls that recommend voters would favor that Mr. Biden keep out of the race. Here’s a couple of headlines reflecting the protection of the large reveal:

“Biden v Trump: The sequel few Americans want to see” (BBC); “Biden campaign announcement makes no mention of any bills he signed’” (Fox News); “Four more years? Not if we can help it” (PJ Media); “Biden’s 2024 campaign has been hiding in plain sight” (Associated Press); “Biden, 80, formally declares 2024 re-election bid” (Reuters); “Biden announces reelection bid, saying battle for nation’s soul isn’t complete” (CNN); and “Analysis: How unpopular can Biden be while still winning reelection?” (Washington Post).


Many lawmakers on either side of the aisle have weighed in on President Biden’s determination to hunt reelection, together with Sen. Tim Scott, a South Carolina Republican who has already based an exploratory committee to prepare his personal bid for the White House.

He has a dire description of the president’s determination.

“Another term would be a disaster for the American people. Joe Biden and the radical Left’s blueprint to ruin America includes attacking our patriotism, targeting our religious liberties, leaving our border wide open, and wasting trillions of dollars we don’t have,” Mr. Scott mentioned in a written assertion shared with Inside the Beltway.

“They are attacking every rung of the ladder that allowed me to climb,” he mentioned, referring to his personal private historical past — raised by a single mother in poverty, however buoyed as much as success by his religion in God and America.

Mr. Scott additionally fears for his nation ought to Mr. Biden stay within the White House.

“Championing what makes America the greatest country on earth is on the line. We need a president who will restore hope, create opportunity, and protect America. I have faith in America, and it’s about time the president did too,” the lawmaker famous.


One observer specifically is vexed on the New York Times for its protection of former Fox News host Tucker Carlson and his sudden exit from the community.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue has taken the information group to job for its protection of the fast-moving occasions, and for one cause specifically.

He first compares Mr. Carlson with CNN host Don Lemon, who additionally left his information community on the identical day.

“Most fair-minded observers would say that Carlson is to the right of center the way Don Lemon is to the left of center. Accordingly, if the New York Times were fair, it would brand Lemon ‘far left.’ But that is not what they call him in today’s newspaper: he is called a ‘fiery political commentator.’ This could also be said of Carlson, but that is not what they say about him,” Mr. Donohue mentioned in his written report launched Tuesday, noting that Mr. Carlson was labeled as an ”extremist.”

The New York Times shouldn’t be alone in ”biased reporting,” Mr. Donohue continued.

“We did a study today of how the media are responding to the ousters of Carlson and Lemon. We found over 200 examples of Carlson being called ‘far right,’ but only a few instances of Lemon being called ‘far left.’ PBS, NBC and MSNBC referred to Carlson as ‘far right’ but none referred to Lemon as ‘far left,’” Mr. Donohue famous.


Beverly Hills-based Julien’s Auctions has revealed the outcomes of a two-day sale of 1,400 artifacts from blockbuster movies from a number of many years, in an occasion that ended on Sunday. Without additional ado, listed below are a couple of of these objects — and the worth which they fetched:

John Travolta’s white swimsuit from “Saturday Night Fever” ($260,000); an unique prop hoverboard utilized by Michael J. Fox in “Back to the Future Part II” ($91,000); Bela Lugosi’s “Vampire Mirror’ cigarette box from the 1931 film classic “Dracula” ($130,000), an “Albus Dumbledore” wand prop utilized by Michael Gambon in “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” ($130,000); and a make-up pencil that after belonged to Marilyn Monroe ($6,500).


• 37% of younger American ages 18-29 “strongly agree” that elected officers appear to be motivated by “selfish reasons.”

• 32% “somewhat agree” that politicians appear to be motivated by egocentric causes.

• 23% neither agree or disagree with this concept.

• 4% considerably disagree with the thought.

• 2% “strongly disagree” that politicians are motivated by egocentric causes.

• 3% refused to reply the query.

SOURCE: A Harvard University Institute of Politics ballot of two,069 U.S. adults ages 18-29, carried out March 13-22, and launched Monday.

• Follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.

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